If you look closely at the screenshot above, you may be able to spot Trish McBride in New Zealand. Also, you might see my writer friends in Itay, CA, MN, NJ, IA, & MO. And you may spy my long-time friends from TN & IA. Plus, take a look @ family members from FLA, UT, NV, MI, OR, CO, OH & WI. All these people, some of whom are not pictured in the screenshot this week, were attending my book launch/75th birthday party on 10-10-2020.
I will be writing more about this heartwarming, once in a lifetime experience, an occasion that met or exceeded all my expectations. I need more time to process. Today, I want you to meet Trish and her latest book.

I met Trish in 2018 on my first and only trip to beautiful New Zealand. Her room, at the Wangapeka Retreat Center where the group led by John Broomfield was staying for an Advanced Shamanic Workshop, was a few doors down from mine. When the initial word of my memoir’s title kicked in -Fear – I timidly knocked on her door while pasting a big smile on my face. I asked her to please help me find a trail to explore. I felt terrified of venturing out on the unmarked trails all by myself. I might not be able to find my way back.
Trish graciously agreed. Much to my surprise, she motioned for me to go first on the trail she led us to and then maintained a respectful distance behind me. Again, I experienced surprise. She was quiet. She didn’t interfere with my internal reverie. We shared contemplative silence. It was a sacred place. I was so grateful that we didn’t have to talk! I will never forget the beauty of the gigantic trees.
I don’t remember how I found out Trish was a writer. Since I was in process of writing my memoir, this was great news. Months after I returned home, she generously mailed me a copy of her second book because it wasn’t available in the States. And now, she’s written another book, her third one entitled, A Love Quilt!

Lucky for us, this book is available on Amazon. Trish’s journey takes us beyond denominational labels. She writes of struggles with institutional religion and gives witness to the power of love. She adds new information about the brain. She weaves all of her inquiries into the sacred into story. I’ve been poking through an electronic version she generously sent me and loving it.
I’m so happy that Trish and I are friends and share the ups and downs of the writing life. Thanks, Trish! She commented when I was consulting her about this post, that both of our books record stories of our inner and outer journeys.
You can also purchase my memoir, Fear, Folly & Freud: A Psychotherapist in Psychoanalysis at Amazon. Here’s the link: https://www.amazon.com/Fear-Folly-Freud-Psychotherapist-Psychoanalysis/dp/173339821X/
Thanks to all of you who attended the party/book launch and purchased my memoir either paperback or Kindle at Amazon, hardback or Nook at Barnes & Noble, or picked up a copy at Beaverdale Books in Des Moines, IA. I appreciate the support!