MiscellaneousFive Pillars For Healthy Holidays – #181 Nicky MendenhallNovember 28, 2015471 views As promised, more about Jon Burras. His response to my email request provides you with an overview of… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousIt’s Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend – MOVE IT! – #180 Nicky MendenhallNovember 25, 2015344 views “I believe in movement.” Straightforward words from Patti Smith, writer, performer, visual artist.*“Most people have very little idea… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousPromised Quote & Informal Poll – #179 Nicky MendenhallNovember 20, 2015498 views “A friend of mine once abruptly announced: “I never do anything that will make me feel too good,… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousDid I Stumble Upon Origin of exploring the mystery? – #178 Nicky MendenhallNovember 18, 2015441 views A quote from Will & Spirit turned up on inward/outward last week – a quote I will treat… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousI Bet Practicing This Will Be Difficult – #177 Nicky MendenhallNovember 14, 2015471 views “The next time someone asks you a question, don’t answer right away. Receive the question or sharing and… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousBody Language – #176 Nicky MendenhallNovember 11, 2015471 views “His foot jerks, he sighs, he squints, his stomach rumbles. These movements are part of the body’s voice… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousWhat Do You Offer Your Spirit? – #175 Nicky MendenhallNovember 6, 2015339 views “Stepping out of the busyness, stopping our endless pursuit of getting somewhere else, is perhaps the most beautiful… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousDangerous To Join Cliques (It’s Not What You Think) – #174 Nicky MendenhallNovember 4, 2015496 views An unintended consequence of exploring the mystery being absent the month of October is the presence of undue consternation regarding subject matter of… 0 Shares 0 0