MiscellaneousThe Jolt of Thought – #35 Nicky MendenhallAugust 24, 2012524 views Monday night my interior landscape was tumultuous. This confused and disorderly mental state was triggered by re-reading post #34.What had appeared an elegant essay a few… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousCan Attention Allievate Anxiety? – #34 Nicky MendenhallAugust 18, 2012534 views Does your anxiety wax and wane depending on factors hidden from your conscious awareness? Bob Klein* has provocative, albeit… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousAttention: Freudian Slip – # 33 Nicky MendenhallAugust 11, 2012571 views Did any of you notice the erroneous word in Post #32? (Prize to first reader who identifies word and emails me.) Much… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousThe Complexity of Attention – # 32 Nicky MendenhallAugust 4, 2012538 views You undoubtedly have noticed exploring the mystery is fixated on the concept of attention. Much to my delight, Bob Klein*… 0 Shares 0 0