

It was a first for me: On New Year’s Day, I meditated with a Zen priest, Daishin, and several others at 5:30 in the morning. It was so dark and cold even on Zoom.

I will ask him for a copy of what he read to us for our contemplation but what I remember hearing is that there is no change just because we hang up a new calendar. This made sense.

Then at the end of our sit, Daishin encouraged us to find time today to meditate longer because sitting during times of transition is helpful. That also made sense.

I’m just letting it be for now but can you see how it is a Zen koan of sorts? Koans are puzzles or riddles that Zen priests use to help unravel greater truths. Or perhaps I will chalk it up as the first paradox I encountered in 2021.

On another subject, I was honored when my writer friend, Isidra Mencos, asked to interview me about my book. You can see our conversation and learn Isidra’s experience in therapy if you click on the title below.

Thank you Isidra – you asked such good questions and helped me think more clearly about a couple of issues.

And thank you all for reading and responding if you want to comment on koans or paradoxes or the interview. You can reply to this email or go to NickyMendenhall.com and leave a comment on the blog.

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