My editor said that if we received a number from the Library of Congress, the nation’s largest federal cultural institution, I would need to send them a copy of my memoir, my best copy. Did you know that the Library of Congress is the world’s largest library and serves as the research arm for Congress? I didn’t know that before I became a published author. Here’s the Library of Congress number for Fear, Folly & Freud: 2020915056. I have not memorized it yet but have noted with glee that there are two 5’s – my lucky number.
I am writing this on Thursday, November 5 so the outcome of the Presidential Election is still up in the air. I need to show you the sign that was cropped out of the picture on the top of this post:

I’m getting ready to post this on my website – it’s Friday noon and election results are still not finalized. I need the sign above as I’m finding it extremely difficult to agree to differ which means that my resolve to love is challenged. The serve part is also challenging.
No matter what happens, we will need to serve each other in ways we probably don’t even know yet and I imagine that it won’t be comfortable – which those of you who have read my memoir know means this won’t be easy for me – I like to be comfortable.
What did I learn in over a decade of psychoanalysis? One thing coming to mind this morning is my discovery that my unconscious has a big influence on me. That when I see behaviors that I really don’t like, behaviors that disgust me, and I get all critical and self-righteous about, they are probably ones that I also have but keep hidden in my unconscious.
The reason I feel angry is that it takes a lot of work to keep these less than desirable traits hidden from myself and others. When I see them exhibited in the other person, it pushes my buttons. When buttons are pushed, my tendency is to lash out at the other.
That’s when I need to remember what I want to do, what would be in my best interest and in the best interest of everyone else is to remember to agree to differ, resolve to love, and then unite to serve. It’s hard, isn’t it?
How are you coping with differences?