Permission to Experience It All


I am committed to writing these posts weekly even though at times, I dither for days wondering what to write. Have you noticed how fast the weeks go by?

Last week I mentioned that a particular idea had been following me around. It was this: if we maintain a dualistic worldview, we will not experience the richness of life. When I stop and consider dualism, I understand it relates to the human tendency of seeing things as either/or, good/bad, positive/negative. Right now I am focusing on the dualism that exists between positive and negative feelings.  I remember how my psychoanalyst kept hounding me to feel all of my feelings and how I resisted thinking that feeling anything other than in control would make me look dysfunctional and I couldn’t do that because I was a therapist. It is still a struggle to embody all the feelings I encounter on a daily basis.

I am learning that the value of ideas lies in what experiences they lead us to.

In what I labeled as synchronicity, this week my place on the Urbandale Library list for Susan Cain’s, new book, Bittersweet, rose to number one.  Now I hold this book in my hands. Her subtitle:  How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole, speaks to allowing all feelings.

In the Prelude, a section right before the Introduction, Cain suggests readers stop and listen to a particular piece of music she described as haunting, exquisite, and infinitely sad: Albinoni’s Adagio in G Minor. I found it on YouTube and listened several times, my breath slowing as I let it wash over me. My tense neck straightened and then relaxed. My shoulders and chin lowered. Savoring the complexity of life, I face feelings and fears related to aging as I move closer to the age of seventy-seven. I resonate with the reasons   Cain chose the title Bittersweet.

 Do you allow yourself to experience a variety of feelings and emotions?

IMAGE: Puzzle piece in clouds.

1 comment
  1. What a lovely post, Nicky!
    I’m ordering the book now–I’d heard of it before and put it on one of my many lists, but it’s now moved up the chain!
    Signing off to listen to that piece of music!

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