Midweek Bubble from exploring the mystery


Isolated, as we are, in our individual umwelten*, we cannot know the richness of the multiverse outside our little soap bubbles.  As I “bottom-lined” in my lecture to all of you in Bangkok, the meaning of your life inside your soap bubble is that that which makes you weep.” 

                                                     Randy Bjork, M.D

What does it mean to live in a soap bubble? How do you experience the richness of the multiverse? Do you think you live in a soap bubble? What makes you weep? Check out my new bubble picture: exploring the mystery

*umwelt [ˈʊmvɛlt]

n Biology psychol

(Psychology) the environmental factors, collectively, that are capable of affecting the behaviour of an animal or individual

[from German Umwelt environment]
  1. "Umwelten" seems like such a sad word for so many of the beautiful things that can make me weep. A new born's cry, a child's graduation day, a love story, spring with its glorious colors and fragrance, the phone call and hearing a loved one is safe–all of these and more are moments of precious joy. Even in profound sadness, I've found the kinds of profound peace and consolation which are weep-worthy. Thus, I think I'll use the word "welten" and just drop the "um".

  2. Focusing on the bubble aspect, I do need to spend time in a bubble. I tell people that I need to be in my Connie-Bubble when it's time to re-charge and re-energize. Being an introvert, this bubble-time is important to me. That being said, however, living in a bubble deprives you from experiencing the world and the world from experiencing you.

  3. What a wonderful list of events, happenings, feelings, and sensory pleasures that make you weep – thank you for sharing with us.

    You have my permission to drop the "um" !


  4. Connie – I'm glad that you know when it is time to re-charge and re-energize. If you need to go into a bubble to do that – more power to you! It doesn't sound like you live in a bubble but use it to prepare yourself to experience the goodness of the world. Good plan I'd say!

    Thanks so much for taking time to comment – helps us all – especially if we are introverts.


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