Bonus Post – Puerile


To exploring the mystery devotees, the word in post 44 that begs and whines and pesters to be acknowledged and used…………….. 

1. of or pertaining to a child or to childhood

2. childishly foolish; immature or trivial: a puerile piece of writing.

Would you please take a moment to craft a sentence using puerile  and post it in the comments section?  I want this word to sink in and be available to me.

Thanks for your help!

  1. Yes, yes, fluteyogi – I think your sentence not only makes sense but also speaks to how you explore the mystery! Thanks for tackling this, as you say, tough word.

  2. Jeff – What a pleasant surprise to see your comment here! I must confess I don't totally understand your comment unless I insert "joke" after bathroom. Maybe joke is implied and doesn't need to be stated. I leave the decision up to you – after all, you are my esteemed teacher!

    Jeff Goins is the creator of Tribe Writers, an eight week online writing class that is well worth looking into. You can contact Jeff at
    BTW, Jeff followed his own advice: offer help as a way to establish relationships. Jeff didn't ask for the "plug" – but I am delighted to introduce him to exploring the mystery readers.

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