Look closely at the image above. Do you see a fox? This fox jettisoned his meekness in order to explore our backyard. Scraggly and seemingly unafraid, he entertained us for several days. His presence gave us the gift of Nature.
Presence is the greatest gift we can give others. It may be relatively easy to keep our bodies at a holiday gatherings (there’s all that food!) but our minds, addicted to constant stimulus, find it difficult to simply be present with other humans.
On Sunday evening we were invited to a neighborhood holiday open house. When we arrived, people were milling around and talking loudly. It seemed to me that everyone wanted attention. They wanted someone to listen to their disappointments (I don’t have time alone anymore, my grandchildren don’t write me thank you notes), acknowledge their frustrations (my wife doesn’t like my dreadlocks, I don’t get paid enough), and join them in celebration (I’m leaving for Florida next week, we will be a grandparents next year). Each person needed someone to look them in the eye and listen. They needed the gift of presence. I could do that!
As the evening wore on, there were times when my mind wandered off and began imagining the hot bath I would soak in when arriving home. Which book would I baptize?
There were times I had trouble being present without judgement; times when advice bubbled raucously inside me threatening to escape and pounce on an unsuspecting victim.
Wanting to give from my strengths, I jettisoned my meekness (a phrase I found online*) and asked questions. People seemed grateful someone bothered.
What would you do if you “jettisoned your meekness”? Please share in the comments section – I would really like to know what you come up with. You can find the comments section here:
Next post will be January 10, 2014. My computer needs repair (yes, again but I can still get emails on my I Pad) and it is time for a holiday break. Take care of yourselves and keep exploring the mystery!
Nicky Mendenhall
*Advent poem found on website “the beautiful due”– interesting site!