Gifted With A Quote On Giving


Giving needs to be practiced and developed because our underlying tendency toward attachment, aversion, and confusion so often interferes with a truly selfless act of generosity. Consummate observer of human nature that he was, the Buddha pointed out the many ways we can give with mixed motives: we give out of fear, or in accordance with tradition; we give with the expectation of return; we give in hope of gain, or a favorable reputation or rebirth; we give to adorn our mind, or simply because giving brings joy.
– Marcia Rose, “Dana: The Practice of Giving”

This quote was a gift to me this week. As humans, we usually have mixed motives; being aware of them brings them to consciousness.  What is our fear? What will happen if we go against tradition? Are we giving so we will obtain something?

When the joy of giving is absent, we can assume that our motives need to be examined.  

Thanks for exploring the mystery – Nicky Mendenhall

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