What Is Your Focus For 2014? – #95

After the holiday rush, my tradition is to transfer important dates to my new Day-Timer and to review my journal from the last year.

I am looking forward. I am looking backward.  

It usually is a challenging time; this year was no exception.

My beloved & naughty ASUS Ultrabook finally sauntered home two days ago. Session two of Downton Abbey flew in from Netflix yesterday.  The weather is warmer today but foggy & drizzling with a chance of snow. The sidewalks are slippery. A nap with my microwave heated clay pad seems essential.
During this fertile time of looking into the future and reviewing the past, this question arose: What do I want to focus on in 2014?  

The answer that surfaced: A focus on nourishment. 

Food that is nourishing. Relationships that are nourishing. Activities that are nourishing. Work that is nourishing. Reading material that is nourishing. Movies that are nourishing. Exercise that is nourishing. Meditation that is nourishing. Sleep that is nourishing.
My goal is to make Posts in 2014 nourishing for you. 
I am curious – do you nourish yourself? How?  I’d love to hear from you. 

Thanks for exploring the mystery – Nicky Mendenhall

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