Special Surprise Suggestion – #34


I forgot to include this suggestion in Post 33.

This week, pay attention to what surprises you. Try to be aware of unpleasant or pleasant surprises. Just be aware when things don’t turn out like you thought they would or how you wanted them to. You could be dealing with your unconscious or it could be another reason that only you know. We are looking for things that we weren’t expecting to happen.That’s the first step.

When you recognize a surprise, say to yourself: I have everything I need to handle this surprise. I have resources and I have strengths. Remind yourself of them.

Then remember that there are other exploring the mystery readers doing the same thing and rejoice in being in such good company! Let us know what surprised you, you don’t have to tell us what you figured out about why you were surprised but we would love to hear that too.

Thanks for considering the suggestion! Nicky

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