The peaceful image of a seated woman on my back deck, was taken before five inches of snow blanketed her. She looks calm and serene doesn’t she?
Taking baby steps, to avoid falling down in the five inches of snow that blanketed my office parking lot today, didn’t feel calm and serene.
And took my blog post creative energy.
See you next time!
There are comments in the comment section that you will enjoy – especially the ones about human and animal interaction.
Thanks for exploring the mystery – Nicky Mendenhall
Post written by: Nicky Mendenhall
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I just read the comments to your blog about interactions with animals. Very interesting. The last interaction I had with an animal that I found meaningful was when I was about to ride a horse for the first time in Utah the fall of 2014. I was having second thoughts and was ready to back out when this gentle horse moved towards me as if to acknowledge my fear and give me encouragement. I was touched and ended up riding. I am glad that I experienced the ride, but it is not something I want to repeat.
What if your decision hurt the horses feeling – then would you ride?
Just kidding- I loved how the horse reassured you! You were open to the horse and the experience.
Thanks for reading and contributing.
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