Projectile Vomiting – #76


Living by ourselves makes it easier to maintain an undisturbed Shadow.

It is easier to hide our less-than-savory parts when they are not triggered by an other who lives with us 24/7.   

Regardless of our living situation, it is not unusual for unknown parts of our Shadow to burst forth from their dim container.  

To compare spewing the contents of our Shadow to projectile vomiting may seem overly dramatic.  

We project all manner of things outside of ourselves. We project the traits we dislike about ourselves and we project the positive characteristics of which we don’t feel worthy.  

The character traits we have squirreled away in our Shadow are not recognized as being a part of us – we only see these traits in other people when the defense of projection is in action.   

Projection is our friend. 


If we are smart, we can use projection as an internal detective. We can track down the contents of our Shadow by watching who we have strong reactions to. When we feel an intense dislike or an intense liking for someone – we can be pretty certain that projection is in action.   

Are you brave enough to claim your Shadow parts? Do you recognize when psychological projection is in action? Share with us in the comments section. You can find it by clicking on this link: www.NickyMendenhallexploring the 

Tune in next week…………

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