Mid Week: Do You Have Enough Alone Time?


“How often it is difficult for most of us to give solitude any sort of priority in the kind of life that we live today. How we avoid it; how we are frightened of being alone; how easy it is never to let it happen; there is always something or someone to fill the void, even if it is no more than turning to the radio for company.”*

I cherish my alone time. I need alone time. It is an important part of my life. Even so, there are so many activities that interest me that it is easy to become over scheduled. 

Let me know if this is true for you or if being alone is a struggle.How much alone time do you need? 
Reply to this email or go comment section on the blog.

Thanks for exploring the mystery – Nicky Mendenhall

Esther de Waal as quoted in Inward & Outward, June 25, 2015.

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