Exploring the Number Three


A dozen years ago, I chose Exploring the Mystery as the name for my blog. I remember feeling delight when these words popped into my mind.  At the time, I didn’t have a clear vision of what direction my writing would take. In hindsight, I see that the title gave me permission to tackle any subject that tickled my fancy.  

For example, this week I’ve been thinking about my third book which led me on a number three spree.  

In Tai Chi Chih class we do sets of three meditative movements. Then we do nine repetitions which I see as a collection of threes.

If you were raised as a Christian as I was, you undoubtedly are thinking of the Trinity.

When you think of aging as I do frequently, it is natural to think: birth, life & death.

I was blessed to give birth to three sons.

There are three acts to a play: the beginning, middle and end.

If you are a reader, you may have read a trilogy – three books by the same author    that share a similar theme.  

The number three has led me to an exciting realization. As I begin the revision stage of my third memoir, it has dawned on me that I’m working on the final book of a trilogy. Here’s what I’ve been thinking:

Fear, Folly & Freud was the introduction to the main character (me – a person I was but now feel different from) who ventured into all the foibles she had buried in her unconscious and needed the aid of an analyst to uncover.

  Leaving Analysis, my second memoir, tracked the person I had become, the one that decided she was ready to leave the safety of the relationship with her analyst even though all of her shortcomings were more apparent than ever. She felt ready to continue her own spiritual path.

The third memoir, as yet untitled, (suggestions welcome), shows how the person I had become dealt with a situation and herself when crisis hit.

This trilogy could be seen as a heroine’s journey: leave home to follow a guide and know yourself, integrate all you’ve discovered and begin to take yourself more seriously, followed by the inevitable crisis that demands use of all the skills thus far acquired.

Does the number three speak to you in any special way or do you have another number that draws your attention?

IMAGE: Look closely at the Guardian in the rain and you will see a single drop clinging to the bottom of their crystal.

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