Exploring space # 4: Uncertainty


In the first three posts for exploring the mystery, we wrestled with the concept of space. Our exploration revealed that space had a protective function for dilapidated barns and stone walls.  We then speculated that space had a protective function for our lives.

I am hoping you have discovered at least one way to create protective space for yourself.

Finding space in our daily lives can be relatively simple. Take a few minutes to gaze at the full moon. Watch snow flakes cover the ground. Sit at the dinner table after the food is gone instead of immediately rushing off to the next task. 

If you are not feeling compelled to rush off right this minute, we can begin exploring another aspect of space and discover that space is paradoxical. We have seen how space can give us strength; now we will learn how having space can sometimes create havoc.

A mystery dinner is exciting because you are not certain who the villain is.

Space, like a mystery dinner, contains uncertainty.

Perhaps we find it difficult to find needed space in our crowded schedules because we fear the uncertainty of unscheduled time. 

In this case, anxiety is likely the villain.

Uncertainty is anxiety’s first cousin.

In the spirit of exploration, invite the villain and his/her relatives to dinner this weekend. When they arrive, create a space to “celebrate uncertainty” together and experience what happens.

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