Consciousness 101 – #58

The last four weeks we’ve been following Dr. Wyatt’s suggestions for raising our level of consciousness.

I began wondering earlier this week what the word consciousness means to Dr. Wyatt. Then I began to question what it means to me. 

I decided not to get too mystical or philosophical in my investigation because I wanted to see how far I could get using common words. In my opinion, philosophy and mysticism use  ten-dollar words that confuse rather than inform.

Can we agree that consciousness is what gives the brain life — that consciousness is the invisible life essence that animates the brain?*

I suspect that we all have different ideas when we hear  the “invisible life essence” phrase. I would love to know what your ideas are. 

One of the characters in the musical,The Book of Mormon, added his voice to a hotly contested debate about the origins of religion by shouting:   “It’s all a metaphor!” 

What role does the invisible life essence play when we attempt to raise our level of consciousness?

What are trying to accomplish when we strive to raise our level of consciousness? 
Here are more of my questions and what I hope happens for me as I continue to raise my level of consciousness:

The capacity to be in the present moment. With enough practice, will I get to the place where the rhythm of inhalations and exhalations calm me and provide a sense of constant companionship? 

A keener awareness of reality. What would this mean when there is a tragedy – would I be more able to stay with the pain or would I be even more tempted to run away?

An expanding sense that connections with others are deepening and becoming life-giving. New evidence indicates that our brain is social and prospers with interaction. How much interaction feeds me and when does interaction begin to drain me?

A heightened sense of positive self compassion. Will I actually finish Neff’s** book this year and implement some of her ideas or will I continue to be a hard task master for myself?

Thanks for exploring the mystery of consciousness with me – Nicky Mendenhall

* Joe Dispenza, D.C., Evolve Your Brain (2007)., page 65.

**Kristin Neff, Ph.D., Self-Compassion: Stop Beating Yourself Up And Leave Insecurity Behind (2011)., (I’m ready to start Chapter 10!)


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