“There is a hard truth to be told: before spring becomes beautiful, it is plug ugly, nothing but mud and muck. I have walked in the early spring through fields that will suck your boots off, a world so wet and woeful it makes you yearn for the return of ice. But in that muddy mess, the conditions for rebirth are being created.”*
*Parker Palmer, Word for the Day, 2/7/2016, Network for Grateful Living. Thanks for exploring the mystery – Nicky Mendenhall |
Post written by: Nicky Mendenhall
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This is a wonderful comparison to making changes in one's life, I think. Before we make the change we want (or need) to, there is the mucky mess of venturing out of our comfort zone, even if it is dysfunctional or bad for us. Part way through, we may long to go back to the iciness of what is familiar, even though not pleasant. But if we persevere and are willing to go through experiences that may suck our boots off, we can be rewarded with a new viewpoint, a new way of life, a reward that makes the trip through the wet and woeful well worth it when we arrive at the beautiful, more peaceful goal we have set.
What an insightful comparison Connie. Your words put new meaning into Palmer's words. I especially liked "if we persevere…experiences may suck our boots off.
So helpful!!
Thanks so much for reading and sharing with us your interpretation of Post 211.
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