Benefits of Stomach Flu & of Other Maladies – #235


How beautiful it is

To do

And then
To rest

~ Spanish proverb

One benefit of spending time with the stomach flu, (or whatever physical malady has assaulted you) is the luxury of resting once the bombardment has ceased.  

I’ve heard from friends that a component of the current malady about town is a week or two of exhaustion. That’s certainly been true for me. This brand of exhaustion doesn’t give one much choice – you need to be horizontal as often as possible. Bed at 7:30 PM. Naps after breakfast.

We’ve been talking about vertical energy as a component of good alignment. Horizontal energy is what the Spanish proverb above is recommending. 

If you have difficulty, as I do at times of not finishing my to-do list before taking a break, enforced rest may be the solution.

You don’t have to have a malady in order to rest. If you have exerted yourself too much for what ever reason, don’t be hesitant to declare your need for rest.

On that note, I’m going to take my own advice now.

Thanks for exploring the mystery – Nicky Mendenhall 

Photo of Pelican accustomed to being fed by tourists in a small town on the Turkish coast of the Aegean Sea.

Spanish proverb from First Sip, September 16, 2016.
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