Avoiding the Female Curse


This portrait (my first attempt at a Selfie) tells me I am no longer as “afflicted with the worst female curse on earth, the need to mold myself to expectations”* as I used to be.

Everyone expected me to be compliant and go along with the plan to cut down two ash trees.**

Creating this portrait showed me (I didn’t plan to share), that expressing feelings, speaking up, and being willing to be in conflict with others is not the prelude to a total disaster. 

Watch for Post 113 to learn more about emotional expression and the fate of the trees.  

Are you afflicted? Is it easy for you to speak out? Which expectations are the most difficult for you to disappoint?

Thanks for exploring the mystery – Nicky Mendenhall

*Quote from The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd (2014), Page 144. The book is a page turner!

*For twenty-two ways trees benefit us: Home › Learn › Benefits of Trees › Top 22 Benefits of Trees

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