A Wabi Sabi Thanksgiving Wish


“I sat at a table where were rich food and wine in abundance, and obsequious* attendance, but sincerity and truth were not; and I went away hungry from the inhospitable board.”
                                                           Henry David Thoreau**

My wish is our exploration of wabi sabi the last few weeks prompts us to celebrate late arrivals and overcooked turkey. 

My wish is we will be sincere and truthful with one another as we gather together.

Here’s hoping that our knowledge and awareness of wabi sabi adds a layer of gentleness to our lives. 

My appreciation for your participation exploring the mystery is immense. Publishing twice a week is helping me accept the wabi sabi that happens when there is not time to perfect each post. This week I couldn’t resist my perfectionistic tendencies and returned to post 90 for some updating.

*I looked up the word obsequious; the archaic meaning is compliant, dutiful, which is my guess for what Thoreau meant in the quote above. You could argue that he could have meant the more modern definition: showing too great a willingness to serve or obey, fawning.

**Henry David Thoreau as quoted in Wabi Sabi by Diane Durston

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