Boys In Basement Background Check – #65


When we meet new people we often ask, “where do you live?”  

In the past three posts, exploring the mystery has introduced you to Boys in the Basement.  It is my hope that you are getting to know them, that you are benefiting from these new relationships, and that  you are eager to ask questions similar to the one above.  

In case you do wonder where the boys hang their hats, wonder no more: They reside in your limbic system. 

If your next question is “what do you mean by limbic system?”   Wikipedia has the answer:

The Limbic system is a group of deep brain structures, common to all mammals and including the hippocampus, amygdala, gyrus fornicatus, and connecting structures, associated with olfaction, emotion, motivation, behavior, and various autonomic functions.

If your eyes glaze over when you read the above four lines, just remember that the boys are a natural organic part of us. They have always been with us.

Therefore it makes sense to greet them, embrace them, and be curious about them at least once a day.  

Dr. Bjork (who introduced me to Boys in Basement in Bangkok) said in his lecture that reasoning with them doesn’t usually work. Fighting them doesn’t work. He advised that our best bet is to be limbic moderate.

Are you limbic moderate? 

Tune in next week for more thoughts on our new acquaintances. Let me know which of the Boys is the most challenging for you: fear, anger, despair, ecstasy?

Thanks for exploring the mystery with me – Nicky Mendenhall 

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