Midweek Bonus Post

There seems no end to my fascination with the Shadow.

To help me understand and remember what resides in the Shadow, I made-up a word:

The Shadow contains emotional-drivers: emotional-drivers reside in our primitive brain. They drive us to take action. The behaviors encouraged by emotional drivers, since initially not mediated by our thinking brain, can get us in trouble.

Let me warn you – emotional-drivers feel authentic (they use words like always and never), so it is very difficult not believe the story they tell us.

We habitually try to ignore or deny our emotional-drivers. If only we would pay attention when they are in action, we would notice that our heart rate increases and our blood pressure rises.  

If we bring emotional-drivers into our awareness by using our body signals, we are less likely to be bullied by them. We can stop and make a reasoned choice.

Feel free to use this word whenever you want to understand your own behavior and how it relates to the Shadow. Let me know if this helps or makes understanding the Shadow more confusing. 
(Caution: the acronym for Emotional Driver may raise eyebrows if you use it indiscriminately.)

Thanks for exploring the mystery and the Shadow – 
Nicky Mendenhall

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