Sharing Intentions


In my Tai Chi Chih class, we are encouraged on a regular basis to do all the movements with more softness. The idea of softness tickles my fancy. First, I think of plush toys. Then I remember occasions when I offer suggestions to my spouse – how my words might have benefited from applying a more gentle, softer approach.

Monday morning, I met on Zoom with a group of people from Ithica, NY. I know the teacher and admire her. I have a feeling that I could say anything and she would find a way to make it sound meaningful. Secure in our own Zoom squares, we lit candles before participating in a guided meditation. Then the teacher, who has a knack for eliciting deep meaningful conversations, asked us to share an intention we want to carry with us into 2025.

 At this, I immediately tensed up. What was I going to say? But since I trust the teacher, I managed to relax and listen. And I found myself resonating with what I heard. I relaxed even further and drifted into my own reverie.

One woman said her intention for 2025 was not to try so hard. I nodded my head in recognition when she said this. When I try too hard, I get anxious, and this cuts me off from the creative flow.

Imagine my amusement when the teacher replied that most things we do can benefit from more softness. I loved how she heard ‘try too hard’ and translated it into doing things with more softness.

For me, intentions such as New Year’s resolutions haven’t historically brought to mind a soft approach. The image that comes to mind is more of a teeth gritting forcing yourself either to DO something or NOT DO something. This pressure leads to trying hard, anxiety and stiffness.

The hour went by rapidly and the resolution I shared at the very end hasn’t stuck with me as much as that discussion about the intention to do things gentler, softer. Maybe I’ll put a plush toy on my desk to inspire me when I’m writing.

Is there a place in your life that would benefit from a softer approach? I’d love to hear what comes to your mind. Thanks for reading and commenting. Happy New Year!

IMAGE: The Guardian looking particularly lovely one morning.

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