Sandwiched Between Earth & Sky


 During Tai Chi Chih class on Monday, the teacher suggested that during our practice period we feel a connection to both the earth and the sky. I understood the part about being connected to the earth. The word grounded popped into my mind immediately. Even though technically my feet would not literally be in dirt, I could picture the ground under our home. I could do this!

But connected to the sky? I knew right away that to make that happen, I’d have to use my imagination more. If you are a regular reader of exploring the mystery you might remember how I have struggled with the word imagination. 

Despite my continuing misgivings about this five-syllable word, when I stood up from my desk chair, I made a strong intention to connect with the earth and the sky.

I began the practice by picturing a thread coming out of the top of my head and extending into the sky. As I did this, I felt my body respond and stand up a little taller.

Heartened by this success, I changed the focus to my feet and tried to connect with the earth. This was not as easy as I had thought it would be. My feet just didn’t feel grounded.

Regardless, during the rest of class, I kept trying to feel connected to the sky and the earth at the same time. It required a lot of concentration but after class, I noticed my back wasn’t tense and aching like it often is. Maybe this was due to a new way of connecting to the Chi in my body?

As the day went on, I kept thinking of the words Sky and Earth. They reminded me of a partially read book in my library, Between Heaven and Earth: A Guide to Chinese Medicine. This book and my teacher call the energy that moves around our bodies when we practice Chi, and describe it as life’s animating force. When my teacher talks about Chi, she describes it as a real energy. She is using an Eastern paradigm rather than a Western paradigm that focuses on what we can see and measure with instruments. Western medicine doesn’t believe in Chi.

I don’t know one way or the other, but I do know that after using my imagination my back hurt less and this is encouraging.

Do you believe in the power of imagination? How is this played out in your life? I’d love to know.

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