Mid Week: Enjoying Life’s Riches….

“There are, after all, far too many pleasures available to be able to sample them all: too many wild and intriguing places to ever visit, people to meet, birds to watch, symphonies to hear, and so on.

 The riches embarrass our poor ability to enjoy them.”

This week, I’m sampling the riches of having company without having to make everything perfect. My ability to enjoy is certainly enhanced by not demanding perfection of myself.

The paradoxical thing is – without the pressure of making everything perfect, everything seems nearly perfect!

What helps you enjoy the riches in your life?

Please reply to this email or go to comments section of blog and let me know how you are celebrating the riches in your life!

Thanks for exploring the mystery – Nicky Mendenhall

Source: Wintergreen: Listening to the Land’s Heart found in Inward & Outward, August 25, 2015.

  1. I enjoy life’s riches by slowing down; by being in the moment; by realizing everything and everyone is part of the universal spirit/mind; by being grateful for my life and it’s abundance.

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