Do You Have “Negative Capability”?


Negative Capability?

Do I have it?

Trying to develop more.


If I had more Negative Capability, I would be less uncomfortable when nose to nose with uncertainty.  

More Negative Capability would mean enjoying the mysteries I explore on this blog without irritable reaching after fact or reason.*

More Negative Capability would mean I could read and enjoy Harry Potter.  J. K. Rowling doesn’t tell us where magic comes from.**

When I practice Negative Capability, the image above speaks to me even though I haven’t a clue who or what made the dots on the sidewalk.

Do you understand what is meant by Negative Capability? 

I’m feeling my way into a deeper understanding – it is a work in progress. Do you think Negative Capability is important to have?  

Please share your thoughts with me/us by replying to this email or going to blog comment section.

Thanks for exploring the mystery – Nicky Mendenhall

*Thanks to Stephanie Dowrick who ponders these issues in her wonderful book, The Company of Rilke (2011)
**Liz Bureman found more enjoyment watching LOST when she practiced Negative Capability and admired J. K. Rowling’s ability to use Negative Capability. Found her online.

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