As I inch closer to seventy-seven years old, it feels important to decide how I want to spend my remaining time here on earth. If I live to be as old as the Queen, I have twenty years left.
I examine my Day-Timer.
My week begins with 9 AM Tai Chi Chih. I began practicing TCC after I terminated analysis on October 31, 2020. Teacher, Lorraine Lepine, sends out a Zoom link each quarter. TCC is an important part of my life though sometimes I wonder what benefits I gain from the practice.
This is an important question because TCC appears three more times in my Day-Timer – on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday @ 10:30 A.M. I like to attend the Tuesday 9:00 meeting of Buddha and the Bean, but when I do both, my morning feels too crowded. I decide that going forward, I need to choose one or the other.
I send Lorraine an email, explaining that I will not be attending Tuesday’s TCC classes. This is difficult but I remind myself that I can’t do everything.
Lorraine writes back, “All that you do contributes to elevating your energy, vibration, also helps for cleansing or releasing. And all contribute to expanding your consciousness.”
Enlarging the font size to 24, I print her words. I place the paper in the bathroom where I look at it off and on all day. Her words begin to answer my questions.
I think I may have more energy when I practice TCC regularly. As for elevating my vibration, I’m not sure what that means. I go to Osteo Strong to build bone strength and before I use the machines, I step on a vibrating pad, but I think that’s different.
Help for cleansing or releasing? Makes me think of the importance of both in the physical and emotional realms. I need to drink more water and let go of old dysfunctional psychological patterns.
And the expansion of consciousness?
I remember being told that once you were an adult, your patterns were set in your brain, never to be changed. Now we hear about brain plasticity which may be related to the expansion of consciousness. I’m not sure whether TCC changes my brain. I do know now that I’ve practiced for over two years, my hands and forearms begin to tingle and feel very warm as I practice. It feels different and good. On good days, I feel more in my body, grounded.
So while my rational mind can’t figure out why we are doing TCC, my body seems to like it. And as I age, I want to keep my body happy!
Do you do things that you don’t know why you do them? Please email me or comment at
IMAGE: Special books on top of my dresser.