Promised Quote & Informal Poll – #179


“A friend of mine once abruptly announced: “I never do anything that will make me feel too good, because I know that when I feel very, very good, I start to marvel at the wonder of being alive. And then I become frightened. Partly it’s because the more I feel the beauty of being here on earth, the more I realize how fragile life is; how easily it can stop. And partly it’s because I just don’t know what to do with it all. I know I can spoil it if I touch it or even if I think about it. But it’s almost intolerable just to try to let it be. No, I’m really much more comfortable when I’m not too close to the wonder of life. When I’ve got problems or distractions or something to struggle with I feel much better, because then at least I know who I am and what I need to do.”
Gerald May
Source: Will and Spirit

Realizing how fragile life is is the line that speaks to me today. A few days ago (before I heard of a classmate’s death), the phrase that spoke to me was “almost intolerable just to let it be.” 

Do you suppose this is one reason we keep so busy – so we are not in touch with the wonder of life?

In brain group this morning, the discussion centered around whether or not we (as adults) have “fun”? The consensus was that joy described more our good feelings than fun did. This is an informal poll – if you are over 18 you may participate: Do you have fun?

What do you think? You may respond to the informal poll by email as well as letting me know how you deal with the wonder of life.  

Thanks for exploring the mystery – Nicky Mendenhall

  1. I love being shocked by the beauty of Iowa. I just stand in the back yard looking at the moon, the trees, it's an ecstatic experience. I couldn't ruin it if I wanted to, I don't have that much power. But I do empathize with the feeling of being responsible. For me I used to be responsible for ensuring struggling businesses survived.

    As to fun, I am lucky to be married to a man who enjoys my silliness. So when, out of the blue, I bellow "O-O-OKLAHOMA, where the wind comes…" and remark to him that I have a lovely singing voice, he smiles and agrees. His specialty is making terrible puns. We've got your joy. we've got your fun.

  2. Oh Margaret Jane – This morning I bet you were really ecstatic looking at your back yard with everything decorated with fresh snow.

    Glad you have given up rescuing struggling businesses. Nice of you to try!

    Fun as silliness – I think you are right on. Our group didn't think of that. And terrible puns – what could be more fun than groaning in response?

    Thank you for responding – very much appreciated !

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