Thanks for sharing your ideas on “living in the moment” and “living for the moment.” The comment section has several bits of wisdom.
Dealing with the ubiquitous television noise which was competing with piped in radio rackett in the dermatology waiting room this week was a challenge for me. I am used to silence.
Despite my initial irritation, without much effort I was able to block out both sounds. I just didn’t pay attention to them.
During the type of meditation I practice, the focus is on the breath. Susan Piver, my meditation mentor, always reminds us that the mind will continue to make thoughts because that is what the mind does. The instruction is to watch the thoughts come in and then watch them go out. Don’t get attached to them.
If you don’t meditate you can use this advice to not get too wound up in your thoughts. Remembering that the mind’s job is to produce thoughts, we can decide how much attention we want to pay to them.
I hope you are able to wait to find out how cotton wool is related to the present moment as I’ve run out of space. I promise to fill you in next week. In the meantime, pay attention to the moment you are in and have a deviled egg on me!
Thanks for exploring the mystery of moments – Nicky Mendenhall