FeelingsWriter Job Description Nicky MendenhallNovember 25, 2022429 views Isidra Mencos is a writer who has taught me a lot about being a writer, especially how to… 0 Shares 0 0
FeelingsBooks & Helping Others Nicky MendenhallNovember 18, 2022324 views Slowing down time, transitioning below the surface, saying yes to expression, telling the truth. These were the experiences… 0 Shares 0 0
PsychoanalysisReassuring Phrases Nicky MendenhallNovember 12, 2022444 views If pressed, I would be unable to give you an exact reason for my inner turmoil. I say to myself, “I should be okay, be at peace, be in the moment.” 0 Shares 0 0
BodyLet Me Inconvenience You Nicky MendenhallNovember 4, 2022399 views In Fear, Folly & Freud, I confessed to having difficulty asking for help. Needing was uncomfortable and I… 0 Shares 0 0