WritingHint, Hint Nicky MendenhallApril 29, 2022517 views During a 1979 Iowa State University social work class, I learned that social workers could be psychotherapists, and… 0 Shares 0 0
PsychoanalysisTo Gratify Or Not Nicky MendenhallApril 22, 2022383 views This week I continued revising my second memoir, the story of my year-long termination from Freudian psychoanalysis. I… 0 Shares 0 0
PsychoanalysisWhy Did I Say That? Nicky MendenhallApril 15, 2022355 views Last week we had our first extended family visit in over three years. Part of me worried if… 0 Shares 0 0
FeelingsFacing Myself 4.9.2022 Nicky MendenhallApril 8, 2022350 views I want to be a grandmother who is fun and up for anything. But by mid-morning, the day… 0 Shares 0 0
FeelingsKnowing When To Pause Nicky MendenhallApril 1, 2022367 views I’m writing this post on Monday afternoon. There will be a pause before I send it to you… 0 Shares 0 0