PsychoanalysisCartoon Unconscious & Conscious Modes Nicky MendenhallJanuary 28, 2022477 views Sigmund Freud proposed that our psyche was a tiered structure. Today’s scientists know the unconscious is not a… 0 Shares 0 0
AgingWhen You Get To The End Nicky MendenhallJanuary 21, 2022470 views Endings tend to be difficult for me so it’s no surprise that the last chapter of my second… 0 Shares 0 0
FeelingsBe Sure & Ask Someone For Help Nicky MendenhallJanuary 14, 2022367 views Writing my second memoir has, up until now, gone pretty smoothly. Sure there were struggles along the way,… 0 Shares 0 0
Psychoanalysis2 Tips To Foster Change in 2022 Nicky MendenhallJanuary 7, 2022328 views The new year is traditionally a time to take stock of one’s life. As part of my inventory… 0 Shares 0 0