WonderExploring Epiphany and Insight! Nicky MendenhallNovember 29, 2019347 views Stage 5, the sought-after state of the creative process. This is the time when experiences of epiphany and… 0 Shares 0 0
BlogYou’ll Never Guess What Stage 4 Is! – #110 Nicky MendenhallNovember 22, 2019768 views Have you heard the term “negative capability”? I believe these two words are a different way to think… 0 Shares 0 0
BlogAre You Auditioning for Stage 3? – #109 Nicky MendenhallNovember 15, 2019494 views “I’ve reached the limits of my current skill.” These heartfelt, somewhat desperate words are Ulrich’s* words to describe… 0 Shares 0 0
BlogMouse Gone – On To Stage 2! – #108 Nicky MendenhallNovember 8, 2019653 views Poor little mouse was just trying to get out of the cold. This new attitude is a big… 0 Shares 0 0
FeelingsWhen Do You Feel Excitement and Heartache? Nicky MendenhallNovember 1, 2019406 views I thought you’d be interested in the characteristics of Experiential Stages of the Creative Process, part 2, so… 0 Shares 0 0