MiscellaneousWhat Field Are You In? Nicky MendenhallJune 3, 2022344 views My writing teacher’s teacher, Deena Metzger, advises writing in the field you are in. Musing on this idea… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousCultivating Space Nicky MendenhallMay 27, 2022420 views Brené Brown, one of my favorite writers announced this week that she will be taking a fourteen-week sabbatical.… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousHelping Each Other Get Fit! – #80 Nicky MendenhallApril 12, 2019640 views Creating this post I remembered Sara Jisho, Zen priest who led a recent half-day meditation retreat I was… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousWhat Do You Think of NOT Knowing? #79 Nicky MendenhallApril 5, 2019620 views I called the dentist. My default position for life (which I’m trying to modify): Let’s get this settled and… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousThere Are No Answers – #78 Nicky MendenhallMarch 29, 2019590 views Reading The Aware Athlete, I found out there are no answers — –unless there are questions. Scott writes that… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousDo You Go With Flow or Use Force? – #77 Nicky MendenhallMarch 22, 2019656 views I keep reading Scott Forrester’s book, The Aware Athlete, and finding affirmation for what I’m learning in psychoanalysis. It’s… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousDo you believe? – #76 Nicky MendenhallMarch 15, 2019575 views We learn to believe. We also learn not to believe. I’m going to revisit the concept of belief… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousThe Difference A Word Makes – #75 Nicky MendenhallMarch 8, 2019600 views “The past is present in the moment is what is so great about embodiment and movement as a… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousWhat is awareness? – #74 Nicky MendenhallMarch 1, 2019641 views I just love Scott Forrester’s book The Aware Athlete! I open it every week to find inspiration. Here’s… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousStrange Bedfellows: Willpower & Passivity – #73 Nicky MendenhallFebruary 22, 2019554 views Last week we investigated willpower and how focusing on why we want what we want can help us… 0 Shares 0 0