MiscellaneousMid Week: Mark Twain Nicky MendenhallJune 30, 2015489 views A few fly bites cannot stop a spirited horse.* Mark Twain’s quote reminds me of insect bites and… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousAttachment and the Dysregulated Brain – #164 Nicky MendenhallJune 26, 2015551 views “When you find a way to quiet the fear-driven brain, what emerges quite spontaneously are the attachment circuits.”*The… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousExploring Communication & Revisiting Silence Nicky MendenhallJune 24, 2015516 views “Everyone communicates: the sparrow with the blue jay, the ants with one another, the queen bee and her… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousSilence: Keeping It Real – #163 Nicky MendenhallJune 19, 2015527 views “In the sweet territory of silence, we touch the mystery. It’s the place of reflection and contemplation, and… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousEasy To Know, Difficult To Practice Nicky MendenhallJune 17, 2015483 views “……..we need to learn enough about love, mercy, and compassion to realize sickness and death are meant to teach us that… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousAn Apology & An Abakanowicz Visit- #162 Nicky MendenhallJune 12, 2015555 views Remember this Image from November of 2014? In November, 2014, Connie posted a comment admitting she was fascinated… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousPeregrine Ponders Paradox Nicky MendenhallJune 10, 2015558 views Post 161 explored the merits of subtraction and expansion. The dynamic tension between these two ways of creating… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousThe Odd Couple: Subtraction & Expansion – #161 Nicky MendenhallJune 5, 2015518 views One of my favorite blogs, “The Ancient Wisdom Project,”* published a post Thursday with a sentence that caught… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousMid Week: Life in a Cocoon Nicky MendenhallJune 1, 2015631 views “Cocooning isolates and protects one from harsh, dangerous, or disturbing realities especially by remaining indoors at home in… 0 Shares 0 0