MiscellaneousWhat Was the Last Instruction You Were Offered? – #117 Nicky MendenhallJune 27, 2014350 views Keeping my body healthy is a full time job. My wellness team includes two massage therapists, an acupuncturist, a… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousMidweek Uncertainty Nicky MendenhallJune 25, 2014613 views Your tolerance for uncertainty correlates with your ability to trust life. From: www.drdianechung.com The saying above made me remember… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousThe Irony of Icons – #116 Nicky MendenhallJune 20, 2014545 views exploring the mystery post on May 28, 2013, with little or no fanfare, included an image. What an… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousMidweek Question: Do You Know This Type of Stillness? Nicky MendenhallJune 17, 2014532 views “We can make our minds so like still water that beings gather about us to see their own… 0 Shares 0 0
MiscellaneousI Dare You To Open Your Mouth! – #115 Nicky MendenhallJune 13, 2014539 views Pema Chodron writes that during meditation, the mouth is to remain slightly open so the air can move… 0 Shares 0 0